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How To Unsubscribe on Facebook

How To Unsubscribe On Facebook

As someone who likes to tidy things around, I prefer to keep a neat News Feed on my Facebook. I am talking about those annoying news posts or videos that one neighbor keeps sharing every day.

Facebook provides an easy and efficient method to unsubscribe from posts that you don’t want appearing in your news feed. Most of the time, you can just go to the “Settings” option by clicking on the three dots and finding an option called “Unfollow”.

In this article, I explore some of the different approaches you can take to unsubscribe from personal accounts, pages, groups, or apps and games on Facebook. Finally, we will take a look at some of the frequently asked questions about unsubscribing from Facebook.

Unsubscribe From Personal Accounts

  1. Go to the timeline of the personal account.
  2. Select the “Following” button if you have followed them but aren’t friends with them. If they are in your friend list, select the “Friends” button.
  3. Select “Unfollow”.

Unsubscribe From Facebook Page

  1. Go to the timeline of the Facebook page.
  2. Select the button with three dots to get to more options.
  3. Select “Follow settings”.
  4. Under “News Feed”, select “Off” > “Never see posts from this Page in your Feed”.
  5. Select “Update”.

Unsubscribe From Facebook Group

  1. Go to the group’s discussion page.
  2. Under the “Joined” button, select the Unfollow group option.

Unsubscribe From The Friend List

  1. Find and go to the “Friends” shortcut from your News Feed.
  2. Select “All friends”.
  3. Enter a friend’s name in the search bar.
  4. Select the three dots icon next to their name.
  5. Select “Unfollow”.

Unsubscribe From Groups Shortcut

  1. Find and go to the “Groups” shortcut from your News Feed.
  2. Tap on the “Settings” gear icon.
  3. Select the “Customize notifications” option.
  4. Under the list of groups, scroll down to the group you’re interested in.
  5. Select the “Highlights” dropdown button and choose “Off”.

Unsubscribe From The Pages Shortcut

  1. Find and go to the “Pages” shortcut from your News Feed.
  2. Select the “Liked Pages” option.
  3. Under the list of liked pages, scroll down to the page name.
  4. Tap on the three dots icon next to the page name and select “Follow settings”.
  5. Toggle “Unfollow this Page” to turn it on.
  6. Select “Update”.

Unsubscribe Facebook Memories

  1. Find and go to the “Memories” shortcut from your News Feed.
  2. Select the “Notifications” option.
  3. Select “None”.

Unfollow From News Feed Post

  1. Select the three dots icon next to the name in the news feed post.
  2. Under the list of options, select “Hide post” or “Unfollow”.
    If it is a shared post, note that you can unfollow the original creator of the post and sharer of the post separately.

Unfollow From One Place

  1. Select the dropdown menu and select “Settings & Privacy”.
  2. Select “News Feed Preferences”.
  3. Select “Unfollow”.
  4. Enter the name of the Facebook page, group, or personal account in the search bar.
  5. Click on the blue icon next to their name to change it to grey.

Cancel Facebook Page Subscription

  1. Go to the Facebook page that you initially subscribed to.
  2. Select the “Supporter Hub”.
  3. Select the “Settings” gear icon.
  4. Select “Manage Subscription” to take you to iTunes or Google Play Store.
  5. Cancel your subscription to that service.

Cancel A Facebook Game Or App Subscription

  1. Find and go to the “Facebook Pay” shortcut from your news feed.
  2. Under “Subscriptions”, scroll to the subscription you wish to cancel.
  3. Select “Cancel Subscription” next to it.
    Make sure to cancel at least 24 hours before the renewal date.


So, as it can be seen, unsubscribing on Facebook is a relatively easy task. Facebook values the power of its users, so it has given complete control over what information you don’t want to see in your Facebook news feed. What makes it better is that you can opt-in to resubscribe any time you want. The goal here is to make you feel valued by showing only those posts that matter most to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I unsubscribe temporarily on Facebook?

If you use the “Snooze” button instead of “Unfollow”, Facebook lets you temporarily unsubscribe someone for 30 days. After that period is over, you are automatically resubscribed to them.

Can someone find out if I have unsubscribed them?

Facebook doesn’t share that kind of private information amongst its users. So, if you unsubscribe someone on Facebook, they have no way of finding out.

Can I just unfriend or block them instead?

Unsubscribe differs from both unfriend and block features of Facebook. If you unfriend someone, they will be removed from your friend list, and you need to resend them a friend request to reconnect. If you block someone, neither of you will be able to see each other. With unsubscribe or unfollow, you have the option to revisit their timeline any time you want. Also, they will never find out you’ve unsubscribed to them as per the rules of Facebook.

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