
How To Set Up Counter Bot on Discord

How To Set Up Counter Bot On Discord

Discord is a superb place to find like-minded people in communities or servers of common interests. It has servers around various topics and themes, but gaming still rules this platform.

It is the reason this platform has been dubbed as the chatting platform for gamers where they can live stream their games and chat with their friends on text or voice channels.

Then there are bots to enhance user engagement. Speaking of bots, there are counter bots that can help you showcase the significant statistics of your servers right before everyone can view them. Let us help you set up one to keep track of key figures and information on your server.

Quick Answer

Steps to take to set up ServerStats counter bot.

1. Invite the bot and make it part of your server.

2. Now, enter the command “/setup” and select the “channel” for your counters “text or voice.”

3. After the setup, you can see key stats (number of members and bots) on your left panel under “SERVER STATS.”

4. If you want, you can create new counters using the command “/counter create, and select “counter” and “channel” for your new counter.

Let’s discuss a counter bot to help you set it up and use it on your server to display important insights and numbers. Keep reading to learn how to set up and use one such counter bot on Discord.

Step-by-Step Guide To Set Up a Counter Bot on Discord

The bot we are helping you to set up is called ServerStats. It is a very interesting bot that can create fancy counters viewable to everyone displaying your number of members, donators, online members, online staff, Boosts, bots, channels, emojis, your goal numbers, and many other stats.

These counters change themselves every 10 minutes to display the current information related to your server to your community.

Counter bots like these can come in handy for server owners or admins to view the vital figures of their community. Plus, you can showcase your growth or flaunt your members to other prospective members to potentially attract them to become part of your growing community.

Setting it up and using it is an easy task. 

Step #1: Add the Bot to Your Server

We are using the ServerStats counter bot.

  1. First, open the top.gg website. Alternatively, you can navigate to the ServerStats website on your browser to add the bot.
  2. Click the “Invite” button to invite the bot to your server.
  3. Next, select the server where you want to add the bot and hit “Continue.”
  4. Next, check/uncheck the permissions you want to give the bot on your server and click “Authorize.”
  5. Finish the captcha, and there you have it.

The bot is part of your server. You will get a notification on your desktop stating the bot is on your server. Plus, you can check the bot under your “Member List.”

Step #2: Setting Up the Bot

Now, you can set up the bot to see your counters on specified channels. You can create a text or voice channel, as it is all up to you.

To setup, enter this command: /setup [channel text/voice channel] (pick either text or voice). Now, you will see a message stating that the setup has been started and will take a few minutes.

Once the setup is complete, new channels emerge on your left panel under the name “SERVER STATS,” displaying some counters related to your members, online members, and bots. 

Changing Channel Name

If you want to change the name of any stats channel, you can tap on the gear icon next to it, and under the “Channel name,” type whatever name you want to give to the channel.

Step #3: Create Your Own Counters

Besides these default counters, you can play around with the bot and create your own counters. Use this command /counter create. Then select counter and channel.

For counter, the bot allows you to choose from 31 different counters options. There are counters related to members, bots, channels, role counters, emojis, stickers, boost counters, and even some exclusive premium counters.

After that, you will need to select the channel type for your counter. Note that all counters will update themselves after 10 minutes of delay.

Let’s suppose, I want to add roles counter to the text channel. So, my command will look something like this: /counter create [counter: roles] [channel: text channel].

After you hit “Enter,” you can see the bot will start the counter for the roles on your server that you can see on your left panel.

This way, you can play around with the bot however you like to display counters under different categories. Moreover, you can even create new counter categories using the command /category create.

Deleting a Category

To delete any category, enter the command “/category delete.

Wrap Up

Counter bots are superb to showcase the key statistics of your servers for you and for others. These can help you to keep track of several aspects of your server and use this insight to assess your server’s performance to bring positive transformations.

Try it out to keep an eye on how things are going in your community.

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