Telegram is popular for its different security features, making it suitable for most messaging needs. You may get curious about who has saved your number when using Telegram.
There are different ways to contact someone on Telegram, and using the phone number is one of them. When someone saves your phone number, they can easily interact with your Telegram profile, depending on your settings.
Is it possible to know who has saved your number on Telegram?
Telegram doesn’t have a feature to let you know who has saved your phone number. Besides, someone can message you without having your phone number, so knowing who has saved your number is difficult. However, if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp and has enabled the sync feature on Telegram, it means they have saved your number on Telegram. If you are sure someone doesn’t know your username, yet you can view their WhatsApp status, it means they contacted you on Telegram using your phone number.
This guide covers whether someone can know who has saved their number on Telegram. We will understand how Telegram works and discuss one trick that can hint at whether someone saved your number on Telegram.
Understanding How Telegram Works
You get multiple features when using Telegram than other messaging apps like WhatsApp.
Telegram is an instant cloud-based messaging platform that works across all devices. When signing up for Telegram, you need a phone number to receive the verification code.
To chat with someone on Telegram, you can sync your contacts to find those on Telegram and message them.
Still, you can search for someone using their Telegram username and click on their profile to open the conversation window.
Moreover, if you are in the same Telegram group with someone, you can DM them and start the conversation.
How To Know If Someone Saved Your Number on Telegram
When you start getting random messages on Telegram, especially from people who don’t have your Telegram username or link, it begs the question of whether that person has saved your number on Telegram.
Here’s the thing, Telegram doesn’t give you a way for you to know who has saved your number on Telegram. You cannot check if you are in someone’s phone book, and no tool is designed to give you this option. You can use one trick to check if someone saved your number.
This trick will only work if the person you are trying to check has WhatsApp installed on their phone and uses it for communication. Follow the steps below.
- Save the person’s number to your contacts.
- Open your WhatsApp application.
- Click the three dots at the top.
- Tap the option for “New Broadcast”.
- Select the target person and one more person.
- Tap on the check mark at the bottom to create your broadcast list.
- Add your message and press the “Send” button.
- Open the individual chat of the person that you are targeting.
If the broadcast message has a single tick, the person has not saved you in the contacts. However, double ticks mean they have saved you in the contacts.
Someone that has saved you on the contacts means they have accessed you on Telegram from their synced contacts, explaining why they managed to contact you on Telegram in the first case.
This trick is not always accurate, especially if the target person doesn’t use WhatsApp, meaning the broadcast message won’t work.
There is no way of knowing if someone has saved your number on Telegram. Someone can contact you through our username or by clicking on your Telegram link.
Still, they can DM you if you are in the same Telegram app.
We’ve detailed everything about knowing who has saved your number on Telegram.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, it doesn’t. There is no feature on Telegram that you can use to see who has saved your number on Telegram.
Yes, they can. Someone with your Telegram username can search for you on Telegram and message you.