Have you ever wanted to create a fake WhatsApp chat to prank your friends?
You can fake a WhatsApp conversation with a celebrity or anyone and share it with your friends as an image.
Faking WhatsApp messages is a fun way of pranking friends, and there is no harm in knowing how this trick works, provided you use it for the right purpose.
So, how can you fake WhatsApp messages?
To create a fake WhatsApp message, you must use various apps that support creating fake conversations. Once you download and install the app on your phone, set the profile photo for the chat and the name of the person you want to fake the conversation with. Set the status, such as “online” or “typing.” Once you’ve set the details, start the fake conversation, including sending audio and other media files. Lastly, capture a screenshot.
We will begin by understanding the reasons for faking WhatsApp messages. From there, we will see the steps for faking WhatsApp messages using a WhatsApp conversation generator. Also, we will see the features a reliable fake WhatsApp message generator app should have. Let’s begin!
Why Fake WhatsApp Messages?
A fake WhatsApp message is a conversation that you fake having with someone.
For instance, you can fake having messaged a specific celebrity, and they responded to you on WhatsApp. So, why would you want to fake a WhatsApp message?
Prank Friends
There is no harm in pranking your friends, and what better way than faking a WhatsApp conversation that will get them off-guard?
If you plan to prank your friends, you can use a fake WhatsApp generator and fake WhatsApp messages with a given person.
When you have a fake conversation, you can share it with your friends, wait for their feedback, and see if they fall victim to the prank.
To Chase Clout
Everyone has their reason for chasing clout. If you want to headline news or get attention from people, you can use fake WhatsApp messages and share them on other platforms to get people talking.
If successful, that will be a good way of chasing clout.
Chasing clout using fake WhatsApp messages can work against you. Therefore, be keen on the conversation that you create.
How To Fake WhatsApp Messages
Creating fake WhatsApp messages is easy, and you can do so using free apps for Android and iPhone.
Let’s discuss the general overview of using a fake WhatsApp generator, then mention two apps for Android and iPhone that can help you generate fake WhatsApp messages.
Here’s how to generate fake WhatsApp messages:
- Open Play Store or App Store and search for “fake WhatsApp generator.”
- Download and install the application. If you are unsure which app to download, we pointed some out below.
- Open the fake generator app.
- Save the name and details of your fake profile.
- Create new contact to chat with.
- Upload the profile picture, name, and WhatsApp status of the target person.
- Start the fake conversation by sending and replying to messages to create a conversation. You can even share media files or send audio.
- Once done, capture a screenshot of the fake conversation.
That’s it. You can share the screenshot with your friends to prank them or upload it to other social media platforms.
Below are the features a reliable fake WhatsApp message generator app should have.
- Allow faking a conversation with anyone.
- Allow setting the WhatsApp status.
- It should support changing all conversation details, including profile picture and name.
- It should support sharing of media files and voice messages.
- It should give you control to act as the sender and receiver in the same window.
If you get such an app that offers those features, you can use it. So, which apps should you rely on? To help answer that question, below are two reliable WhatsApp message generators for Android and iOS.
For iPhone:
For Android:
You can now get the apps on your phone and create fake WhatsApp messages.
Faking WhatsApp messages is easy, provided you have a reliable fake WhatsApp generator app and have the steps to follow.
Using fake WhatsApp messages, you can use the steps presented in this guide to prank your WhatsApp.
Have fun!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can — various app help in creating fake WhatsApp messages. To create a fake WhatsApp message, look for a fake WhatsApp generator app and configure the WhatsApp details of the other person, create your chat, and then capture a screenshot of the fake conversation.
It all depends on your motive behind creating fake WhatsApp messages. If you create fake WhatsApp messages to tarnish someone’s name or spam people, that’s illegal, and you can be prosecuted for that. However, there is no harm if you want to prank your friends.