One metric used by Instagram when showing suggestions for the people you should follow is your contacts on Instagram. If you’ve allowed Instagram access to your contacts, it can match you with them. Not everyone loves this, and if you accidentally allow Instagram to sync your contacts, you have the option of deleting all the synced contacts and disconnecting Instagram from syncing your contacts.
Disconnecting contacts from Instagram is only possible using the Instagram app on iPhone or Android. Open your Instagram app and go to your Instagram profile page. Click on the menu icon and select the option for settings. Next, tap on the account option and click the contacts syncing. Toggle off the connecting contacts option, and click the disconnect option.
We will cover the steps for disconnecting contacts from Instagram on Android and iPhone. Still, we will see how to delete the already synced contacts on Instagram and check the frequently asked questions by Instagram users regarding contact syncing.
How To Disconnect Contacts From Instagram
When signing up for Instagram, you prompted Instagram to access your contacts. If you allow that, Instagram will suggest your contacts on Instagram as people you may know and those you might be interested in following.
These recommendations can get annoying, especially if you are not interested in being Instagram friends with your contacts. Besides, Instagram is owned by Meta (Facebook), and giving Instagram access to your contacts is an indirect way of giving Facebook access to your contacts. So, don’t be surprised to get friend suggestions on Facebook from people in your contacts.
To take control of your personal information, such as contact, you can disconnect your contacts from Instagram using the steps below.
- Open your Instagram app for iPhone and Android.
- Click on your profile at the bottom to open your profile page.
- Tap the menu icon at the top and select Settings from the listed options.
- Click on Account, then click on Contacts syncing.
- Toggle off the Connect Contacts option.
- Lastly, click the Disconnect option.
This method now denies Instagram access to your contacts and those you add in the future. However, the synced contacts are still available on Instagram unless you delete them.
How To Delete Synced Contacts From Instagram
Deleting synced contacts takes time compared to disconnecting contacts from Instagram. Here, it may take up to 90 days before Instagram deletes all your synced contacts, and in between, you can still find your contacts being suggested to you.
Here’s how to delete synced contacts.
- Open your computer and access Instagram.
- Click on your profile picture at the top.
- Click Profile.
- Click the Edit profile option.
- Click the Manage contacts.
- Tap on Delete all, then confirm the action by clicking the Delete option again.
You can’t delete synced contacts one by one. Therefore, your best option is to delete them all at once. To keep your contacts away from Instagram, ensure you don’t let Instagram access your contacts. That way, your contacts won’t appear as part of the friend suggestions on Instagram.
Instagram prompts users to grant access to their contacts when setting it up. Granting permission to access your contacts means you’ve allowed it to sync your contacts and find those on Instagram. To revoke this, consider disconnecting contacts from Instagram and deleting the synced contacts using the steps covered in this guide.
Frequently Asked Questions
Giving Instagram access to your contacts allows it to sync and find those on Instagram. That way, Instagram’s algorithm can suggest the contacts on Instagram as people you may be interested in following. So, disconnect if you don’t want people in your contacts listed in the friend suggestion section.
Disconnecting contacts from Instagram limits Instagram accessing your account, but those already synced will remain connected. Open Instagram and access your profile page. Tap the menu icon and select the settings option. Next, tap on the account, click the contacts syncing option, and then toggle off the “connect contacts” option.
Yes, Instagram allows people to sync their contacts list and find those on Instagram. Furthermore, if someone who has saved your number has allowed Instagram to access their contact, your profile will appear under the friend suggestions.
The answer depends on what you want to achieve. If you’re going to grow your followers, allowing Instagram access to your contacts will help you find more Instagram friends. However, if you are cautious about your personal information, don’t allow Instagram access to your Instagram contacts.