Discord supports VoIP communication and direct messages.
With Discord, you can communicate with people via calls or chats. Besides, you can create a server and chat with members.
If you prefer direct or private messages, that’s also possible. Direct messages are convenient when you want to engage someone in a private conversation away from the Discord server.
You can chat with your Discord friends or random people on a Discord server. To chat with your friend, open your Discord account and tap the menu icon at the top. Click on “Friends” on your phone or the “All Friends” section on your desktop. Click on the person you want to chat with, type your message and click on the “Send” button. To message someone in a Discord server, open it and locate the members’ list. Right-click on the target person and click the “Message” option.
We will cover the steps for chatting with someone on Discord from your friends list and how to start a chat with someone random on the Discord server. Still, we will discuss how to disable random people from texting you on Discord.
How To Chat with Someone on Discord
On Discord, you can chat with someone using your mobile Discord or the desktop.
When you are friends with someone on Discord, chatting with them is easy than when you want to chat with a new person you met on a Discord server.
To chat with your friend on Discord, use the steps below.
Using Discord Desktop Application
- Open your Discord application and log in to your account.
- Click the Discord icon at the top.
- Click on “Friends”.
- Tap on the “All” tab on the displayed options.
- All your Discord friends will be displayed in the tab, and you can click on any you want to chat with.
- Once the chat window opens, enter your message and press the enter key.
The friend will receive your message and can reply to it to continue with the conversation.
Using Discord Mobile Application
- Open your Discord application on your iOS or Android.
- Once you’ve logged into your account, click on the message icon at the top left corner.
For iOS, click the contact icon at the bottom. - Your friend will get listed, and you can tap on the one you want to chat with.
- Click on the message box at the bottom and type your message.
- Once you’ve entered your message, click the “Send” button at the bottom.
That’s how you can chat with your Discord friends.
The steps are slightly different when you want to chat with a random person on a Discord server.
Besides, the steps best apply to the Discord desktop. Take a look.
- Open the Discord desktop application.
- Click on the target server and click the down arrow to open the menu.
- Click on “Members” to open the list.
- Right-click on the target person and click the option for “Message” to open the chat window and message them.
How To Disable Random People from Chatting You on Discord
Suppose you don’t want random people to message you on Discord, you can set your privacy to allow “Only Friends” to message you.
- Open your Discord application.
- Login to the Discord account.
- Click on the “User Settings” icon at the bottom.
- Click on the “Privacy & Safety” section on the left sidebar.
- Scroll down on the “Server Privacy Defaults” section and disable the option for “Allow direct messages from server members”.
With that, random people on a Discord server won’t message you, and someone must be your Discord friend before they can message you on Discord.
When you want to communicate with someone on Discord, knowing how to start a chat with someone is ideal for a smooth conversation.
You can add someone as your friend and quickly chat with them on Discord.
Alternatively, you can find someone on a Discord server and start messaging them by accessing the members’ list, right-clicking on the target person, and clicking the option to message them.
The guide has covered all details about chatting with someone on Discord.