Facebook MessengerMessaging

How To Log Into Facebook Messenger With Instagram

How To Log Into Facebook Messenger With Instagram

Many people are using online platforms to communicate with family and friends.

Platforms like Facebook Messenger and Instagram transfer tons of messages every day, explaining why the two platforms saw the need to connect them.

When you connect the platforms, you can log into Facebook Messenger from your Instagram and continue the conversations.

However, this feature does not come by default, as you must enable it. So, how can you log into your Messenger account with Instagram?

Quick Answer

Logging into Facebook Messenger from Instagram is easy when you have connected your accounts. You can log into Messenger by going to Instagram settings and navigating to the “Meta” section. Click the “Accounts Center” link, then tap “Accounts” to add Facebook Messenger. You will be requested to add a Meta account once you click “Add Accounts.” Log into Facebook Messenger and easily send messages to friends and family.

The connection of online platforms is a better way of having one account but still accessing the services of another application. The post has highlighted the importance of connecting Facebook Messenger to Instagram and how you can log into Messenger from Instagram. Stick around for more details!

Is it Advisable to link Facebook Messenger with Instagram?

When Meta announced it would integrate Messenger and Instagram, many people did not understand the benefits the integration would bring.

Imagine having Instagram on your device, but you can use it to log into Messenger and respond to your messages without installing Facebook Messenger.

Linking your Instagram with Facebook Messenger will offer you the following benefits:

Benefit #1: Get a New Instagram DM Interface

The linking of Messenger with Instagram will enable you to customize your DM interface to look like the Messenger interface.

Therefore, installing several apps on your phone when you can still access one from another is unnecessary, thus saving your phone storage.

Benefit #2: Access New Messenger Features

Integrating your Instagram and Messenger will allow you to access new features like “Watch Together.”

With a feature like “Watch Together,” you can stream and watch videos with your loved ones on Messenger.

Benefit #3: Control Your Messages

Linking Instagram and Messenger also allows you to control who can message you.

You cannot find this extra privacy measure without linking the accounts. If you don’t want requests from friends of your friends on Messenger, you can turn them off while enjoying your privacy.

How To Log into Facebook Messenger with Instagram

Now that you understand the benefits of logging into Facebook Messenger from your Instagram, you can follow the steps below to connect the two accounts.

Step #1: Open Instagram Settings

Follow these steps to open Instagram settings:

  1. Launch Instagram and tap the profile icon at the bottom.Tap On Profile Icon In The Bottom Right Corner
  2. Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner.Tap On Three Line Menu In The Top Right Corner
  3. Select the “Settings and privacy” option from the menu.Click On Settings And Privacy

Step #2: Go to the Meta Section

Once the “Settings and privacy” page opens up, follow these steps to get to the Meta section:

  1. You will see a section at the top indicated as “Meta.”Meta Section
  2. Tap the “Account Centre” option under the “Meta” section.Tap On The Account Centre

Step #3: Add Facebook Account

Tap the “Accounts” option under the “Account Settings” section to connect Facebook Messenger with Instagram.

Tap The Accounts Option

Step #4: Log into Facebook Messenger

Once you are on the accounts page, follow these steps:

  1. You will see an “Add accounts” option; tap on it.Tap On Add Accounts Option
  2. On the next page, select “Add Facebook account.”Select The Option Of Add Facebook Account
  3. Once you tap the link, a login page will open, requesting your Facebook credentials. Enter your Facebook credentials to log in.Enter Your Facebook Credentials To Log In

You can access your Messenger messages once you log into Facebook and respond to them.


Integrating Instagram and Facebook Messenger is one of Meta’s best features.

Installing Messenger on your device is unnecessary when you can log into it from Instagram and enjoy your experience as normal.

If you find it hard to log into Facebook Messenger from Instagram, this post has illustrated the steps you need to achieve it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I access Facebook messages without the Facebook app?

Facebook announced in 2020 they were going to integrate Messenger with Instagram. The feature allows you to access your Facebook messages using the Instagram application. You only need to have Instagram and navigate to the “Meta” section, where you can link the two accounts to access Facebook messages and respond to them easily.

How to send messages from Instagram to Facebook?

If you want to send messages to your Facebook friends from Instagram, you can achieve it by linking your meta-accounts. You can link your meta-accounts with Instagram by tapping the “Accounts Center” link in the “Meta” section and selecting “Accounts” then “Add account.” You will see a new authentication page, which you can use to access Facebook. Once on Facebook, you can send your messages to your friends.

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