Discord is a better social media platform because of the various features it offers users. Did you know Discord allowed users to Join HypeSquad houses if they wanted to represent Discord in its international events and other online services?
The feature started to appreciate users for their continued support. If you are wondering about the best HypeSquad you should join, this guide has explained everything you need to know about Discord HypeSquad.
Most Discord users are under the Balance HypeSquad, but that does not mean the other houses are not better. The Balance HypeSquad offers both Bravery and Brilliance, making many people wish to join it, but all the houses are better depending on the features you are looking for. If you don’t want to belong to a given HypeSquad, you can retake the Discord quiz.
The post has explained what a HypeSquad is in Discord, the types of HypeSquad, how you can join a Discord, and the best Discord HypeSquad.
What Is Discord HypeSquad?
Discord wanted to appreciate its users for supporting the platform, explaining why Discord HypeSquad was introduced. The suitable feature enables Discord to choose members representing the platform in international events and other global events that require the platform’s participation.
HypeSquad consists of active Discord members, and there are no requirements except for a short quiz determining the HypeSquad you will join.
What Are the Types of Discord HypeSquad?
There are three types of HypeSquad, and they are grouped as houses. A user does not choose the HypeSquad they will join, but the quiz results determine the house they will fall under.
Discord HypeSquad is grouped into three houses, as explained in this section.
Bravery HypeSquad
As the HypeSquad name suggests, this group represents the optimistic members who are brave enough to go out and conquer the world’s challenges. You need to have courage and bravery to fit in this group.
The virtues you must possess to be grouped in this HypeSquad are as follows.
- Confidence
- Royalty
- Bravery
- Fearlessness
- Courage
Renwil represents the Bravery HypeSquad, and from the representative, you can tell that it requires members that any conversation on Discord cannot shake. Like Renwil, you need to be brave to shrug off any negativity and soldier on.
Brilliance HypeSquad
The house of Brilliance is about being ambitious and having the drive to do better. The HypeSquad consists of all members whose main aim is to uphold good and bring out the good in the community. The characteristics of the HypeSquad are as follows.
- Ambitious
- Ability to adapt to situations
- Competent
- Wisdom
The wise Urdim represents the HypeSquad, and it requires all members to provide ideas that can make the community better in the future.
Brilliance HypeSquad requires the drive of its members to better themselves and the other community members.
Balance HypeSquad
The Balance HypeSquad has many members, and it is the most popular. A member of this group has to represent himself well in every situation.
Arame represents the members of this group, and its main agenda is to provide peace, stability, and safety to all Discord users.
Which Discord HypeSquad Is the Best?
There is no one answer for the best HypeSquad because of different virtues and roles. It depends on what you want to do.
If you are wise and think you can offer solutions to Discord’s challenges facing its users, you may consider joining the house of Brilliance. Additionally, if you think you are courageous to deal with difficult situations, The House of Bravery will be the best in your case.
How Do I Join a Discord HypeSquad?
Joining a Discord HypeSquad is easy, requiring you to take a simple quiz to determine the type of HypeSquad you will fall under. The following steps will enable you to join a HypeSquad:
- While on Discord, click on the settings icon.
- Scroll downwards and click on the “HypeSquad” option at the bottom.
- Click the “Join HypeSquad” button from the new page that opens up.
- Answer the short questionnaire.
Discord HypeSquad has been explained in this post. If you don’t know the Discord HypeSpquad to join, the guide has described the features of every HypeSquad and how you can join one. Moreover, if you want to change a HypeSquad, retake the quiz, and you will achieve it.