Several social platforms try to keep their apps as engaging and fascinating as possible to the users. Many try to gamify activities on their apps, and Snapchat was one of them before it fully incorporated mini-games in chats. For specific actions or milestones you achieved, Snapchat will give you a trophy, typically just emojis.
Snapchat achievements are trophies given to Snapchatters for hitting certain records or performing some activity on the app. These trophies are not valuable as they were only created to spur Snapchatters to keep using the app. You can access the trophies on your profile page by clicking your bitmoji to open your profile.
This article will cover how you can earn trophies/achievements on Snapchat and what each trophy means.
What Are the Snapchat Trophies?
Snapchat trophies are emojis awarded to users for their actions on the application. It’s supposed to create a gamification theme that lets users carry out more activities with the app. For example, with little things like verifying your email address on Snapchat, you could get a trophy in the form of a mail emoji.
The app had over fifty trophies kept in a trophy case and revealed for each milestone you achieve. However, the practice went into extinction when Snapchat created a mini-games section. Now, you can play different types of games with your friends and keep records of them in the app.
Some of these trophies could also turn into new ones when you achieve milestones. For example, a trophy you get for reaching a certain Snapscore can transform into a new one when you reach an even higher Snapscore. Below are the Snapchat trophies and how you would have unlocked them.
Trophies in the Trophy Cabinet
In no particular order, these are the trophies that Snapchat incorporated into the app and how you can unlock them.
- One Finger Trophy – The one-finger trophy was awarded for capturing/recording and sending your first snap with a filter on Snapchat.
- Email Trophy – This emoji was given for verifying your email address. You can verify your email address by navigating to your profile page, going to the settings page, and tapping on your email.
- Two Fingers Trophy – This trophy was awarded for applying two filters to a snap. This could be done by taking a snap with a filter and then swiping right or left to apply another.
- Telephone Trophy – This is for verifying your mobile number on the app, which can be done by navigating your profile settings. On the settings page, tap the phone number and verify with the code Snapchat sends to you.
- Baby Trophy – For a Snapscore of ten, Snapchat gave this trophy to spur its users into sending and receiving more snaps with friends.
- Gold Star Trophy – For a Snapscore of 100, Snapchat gave this trophy.
- Sparkles Trophy – You could get this trophy for reaching a Snapscore of 1000 on the app.
- Circle with a star Trophy – This trophy was awarded for a Snapscore of 10,000.
- Explosion Trophy – The trophy was awarded for a Snapscore of 50,000.
- Rocket Trophy – For a Snapscore of 100,000, you’d be rewarded with the rocket trophy.
- Flashlight Trophy – Sending ten photo snaps with your front camera unlocked this trophy.
- Sun Face Trophy – Snapchat rewarded its users with this emoji for adding a temperature sticker reading over 100 degrees Fahrenheit to their snaps.
- Ghost Trophy – For a Snapscore of 500,000, Snapchat rewarded you with this trophy.
- Frying Pan with Egg Trophy – Sending a snap between 4:00 and 5:00 A.M unlocked this trophy.
- Snowflake Trophy – This trophy was awarded for adding a temperature sticker before freezing temperature to your snap.
- Video Cassette Tape Trophy – This trophy was awarded for sending your first video snap.
- Ogre Trophy – A trophy awarded for sending 1000 photo snaps with your front camera.
- Moon Trophy – Snapchatters got rewarded with this trophy for sending 50 snaps with night mode. You can switch to night mode by clicking the moon symbol on your snap screen.
- Devil Trophy – You’ll get a trophy when you screenshot a friend’s snap you’re viewing.
- ABCD Trophy – Sending 100 snaps with large texts for captions got you the ABCD trophy.
- Panda Trophy – This trophy was awarded to you for sending 50 snaps with white and black filters.
- Lollipop Trophy – When you send a snap with five or more pen colors, you get awarded this trophy.
- Microscope Trophy – You’ll get rewarded with this trophy for sending ten video snaps and using the zoom feature to the max throughout the snaps.
- Magnifying Glass Trophy – This award was given for ten photo snaps and using the zoom feature to the max through the photo snaps.
Several other trophies existed and were unlocked at milestones attached to them. Currently, the updated Snapchat versions only keep streaks as a form of achievement for sending snaps back and forth with your friends. You can also play games in the mini-games sections of your chats.