Snoozing someone on Facebook prevents their posts from appearing on your timeline for 30 days. Snoozing is an excellent option when you don’t wish to see someone’s post but don’t want to unfriend them.
Snoozing is similar to the mute feature common across social media platforms. If you’ve snoozed someone on Facebook, you may wonder how to unsnooze them.
Unsnoozing on Facebook only takes a few simple steps. To unsnooze someone on Facebook, go to your feed settings and select the “Snooze” option. Now, click the “End snooze” button on the mobile app or the blue clock icon on the desktop version.
To learn more about unsnoozing a person on Facebook, read this article to the end.
Overview of Unsnoozing Someone on Facebook
Snoozing is a Facebook feature that lets you manage your Facebook timeline. If someone posts rude, irritating or monotonous posts, you can snooze them instead of unfriending them.
The Facebook snoozing timeline is automatically set at 30 days, after which the person’s post will reappear in your feeds.
Unsnoozing, on the other hand, is the reverse action for preventing someone’s post from appearing in your feeds. If you snooze someone but don’t wish to wait for the entire thirty-day timeline, you can unsnooze them.
You can also snooze groups and pages to prevent their posts from appearing in your timeline. Unsnoozing pages and groups work similarly to unsnoozing a profile.
Besides preventing posts from appearing in your timeline, you can utilize snooze when someone or a particular page is spamming your feed. Suppose someone attended an event and is now sharing tens of photos of that event.
In that case, you might only be seeing those event photos when you check your feed. In such a scenario, it’s best to snooze the person and later unsnooze them.
The best thing about snoozing is that it doesn’t change any of the feed settings and doesn’t notify the person that you’ve snoozed them.
Next, we explain the exact steps to unsnooze someone on Facebook.
Step-by-Step Guide on Unsnoozing Someone on Facebook
Unsnoozing someone on Facebook is slightly different depending if you use a mobile app or a desktop version.
Unsnoozing Someone on Facebook on the Mobile App
Unsnoozing someone using the Facebook mobile app is pretty simple. Just follow the steps below:
- Launch the Facebook app on your mobile device.
- Tap on the three dots at the top of any post in your feed.
- Select the “Manage Your Feed” option at the bottom.
- Select “Snooze.”
- Tap on the “End snooze” button next to the name of the person you want to unsnooze.
Unsnoozing Someone on Facebook on the Browser Version
Follow these steps to unsnooze someone on Facebook using the browser version:
- Navigate to Facebook on your favorite browser.
- Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner.
- Select “Settings & privacy.”
- Select “Feed.”
- Click on the “Snooze” option.
- Click on the blue clock icon next to the account you want to unsnooze. The icon should turn grey.
More on Snoozing and Unsnoozing on Facebook
The snooze feature works on profiles, pages, and groups. You can block posts from people who aren’t your Facebook friends. Similarly, you can snooze a group you haven’t joined or a page you haven’t liked.
The only requirement for snoozing is one of the pages or group posts appearing on your feed. If you’re wondering how a post from a group or page you don’t follow can show up in your feed, it happens when one of your friends shares it.
After you snooze a page or group on Facebook, their name appears with an end snooze button under your feed preferences in the snooze section.
Remember that the snoozing timeline is set at thirty days. After this timeline expires, Facebook will send you a notification asking you to continue or end the snooze.
Snoozing is not a permanent option for limiting spam posts or dealing with online harassment posts. Snoozing only prevents the person’s post from appearing on your feed. Other Facebook users can still view the posts.
If you’re dealing with a cyberbully, the best way to deal with them is to unfriend them and block their account. After blocking them, there’s no way any of their content can get to your timeline.
As you’ve learned from this article, unsnoozing someone on Facebook is pretty simple.
Snoozing helps prevent a specific person’s post from appearing in your feeds for at least thirty days. After thirty days, Facebook will notify you and ask if you wish to continue or end the snoozing.
The best thing about snoozing is that it’s anonymous. Facebook doesn’t notify the person, group, or page that you’ve snoozed them.
Unsnoozing reverses the muting action where you stop someone’s post from appearing in your feeds.
No, no one can tell that you’ve snoozed them.
Facebook’s default snooze timeline is thirty days. You can extend the thirty-day snoozing period every time it expires for as long as you wish.