
What Is the Warn Command in Discord?

What Is The Warn Command In Discord

Server admins and moderators govern how members interact in the Discord server.

When an annoying member or someone is trying to spam others, the moderator or admin can decide to ban or kick out the member.

Before kicking out the member, there is an option to issue a warning to the member, but that requires a bot like Dyno bot for you to use it. The Dyno facilitates the moderation of the Discord server.

Quick Answer

Members often violate the rules of the given server. When that happens, the admin or moderator issues warnings to that member, such that repeated actions can lead to kicking out of the member. The Dyno bot provides the warning command, and its syntax is ?warn @user-name <message>. Once the command gets executed, the Dyno bot will issue the warning to the member alongside the added warning message.

We will cover the warn command in Discord and what it means. We will mention why you may receive a warning message, then discuss the steps for issuing the warning command provided you are the admin or moderator of the server.

What is The Warn Command in Discord?

The good thing about using Discord for communication is that you can create a server with thousands of members.

Discord servers are communities for various projects or a hub for gamers, streamers, friends, etc. Most Discord servers have admins and moderators who ensure everything works correctly on the server.

When someone is trying to spam others on the server or is abusive, the admin or moderator has the mandate of dealing with them either by banning them from the server or kicking them out.

Suppose the admin has added the Dyno bot to help moderate the server. They have an option for sending warnings to a particular member.

If the member fails to heed the warning, they risk getting banned from the server.

The warn command uses the syntax ?warn @username <message>.

For instance, if you have an annoying member called Mike, you can warn them with the command ?warn @Mike Stop spamming others!

The specified member will receive the warning immediately, and it’s upon them to decide whether to stop their wrong actions or risk getting banned from the server.

How To Use the warn Command in Discord

The warn command is mainly used with a server moderation bot like Dyno. So, we must first add the bot to the server before using the warn command.

  1. Visit the Dyno website on your browser.
  2. Tap on the “Add to Server” button.
  3. Login to your Discord account, select the target server and click the “Continue” button.
  4. Next, review the listed permissions and click the “Authorize” button.
  5. Mark the captcha to confirm you are human.
  6. Open your Discord application.
  7. Access the server containing the Dyno bot.
  8. To warn a member, type ?warn @username <message> and press the send button.

A notification showing that a particular member has been warned will appear.

That’s how you warn members in a server using the Dyno bot. Note that the Dyno bot is not the only bot with the warn command. Different server moderation bots offer the same feature, but we’ve used the Dyno bot for this guide.


The warn command is an excellent way of warning members who go against the rules of a given server.

The warn command requires you to have a server moderation bot like Dyno bot to execute the ?warn @username <message> command for the target member to get warned.

We’ve discussed the warning command and how to use it in Discord.

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