Everybody knows how fun and exciting the Discord world is. If you have just started your Discord journey, you should know you have an untapped world where you can find like-minded people to talk about things you enjoy. You can befriend people and talk to them on text or voice channels.
Not only this, you can stream games, watch movies, play music, games and enjoy so much more on Discord. If you have started your Discord journey, it is time to add friends to enjoy all the experiences. If you want to learn how to add people as friends on Discord or even ask them for their Discord, we are here to help you.
To add someone on Discord, politely ask them if they want to connect with you over Discord. Send the request directly if you can see their contact synced on your phone. If you can find their profiles on other servers, open them and hit the “Send Friend Request” button. Lastly, you can ask for their username or Discord tag to search for them to add them on Discord.
Making friends is a noble pursuit, and we can help you make friends on Discord. Keep reading!
Multiple Ways To Add Friends on Discord
There is nothing fun in living alone. Friends amplify the moments, making each thing more enjoyable. When we share moments with our friends, we make them even more precious.
On the platforms like Discord, you can join a community and find others who may interest you. You can chat with them via text or voice and video calls, enjoy games, watch movies, and play games and music with your friends on Discord.
So, you can have friends from any part of the world and talk to them about anything on Discord.
There are some ways you can find friends on Discord. The easiest is, when you find someone interesting in any server you are communicating, you tap on their profile and click on the “Send Friend Request” button. Now, they will become your friend on Discord once they accept your request.
It is always polite to send a private message before sending your friend request. Let them know you before you make your move, as you may come out as some creep, especially to the ladies.
Discord Tag
Another way to add people to your Discord is via their username or Discord tag. You have to ask people to give you their tag, so you can send them a friend request on Discord.
Alternatively, you can also get your friends synced from your phone through the “Find Your Friends” feature on Discord. Discord syncs your phone contacts and shows them under “Friend’s suggestion” to enable you to add friends.
If you have no username or tag of any of your friends, you can find them by syncing your contacts from your phone to Discord. Regardless, your friend must also have enabled the “Find Your Friends” feature for you to find them.
What To Ask Someone To Add Them on Discord?
If you cannot find someone anywhere on Discord, not even synced from your phone, it is time to ask them for their username or Discord tag to add them.
A Discord tag is a badge that you get when you join Discord. It consists of your username and four random combinations of numbers. For example, “username #0801” is a user tag.
It is a unique number that every user possesses to show their identity. If any user has a similar name, they can be distinguished by way of their tags.
For example, two users can have the username Sophie, but their tags will help to distinguish between them. So, there could be one Sophie #8745 and another Sophie #0101.
So, to ask someone for their Discord, you need to ask them to give you their tag. Again, there can be thousands of Mikes, Tims, or Tylers on Discord; the tag is their unique identity number, which can help you find them.
If you have a friend at work or anywhere else, ask them to share their Discord tag number to send them a request, or you can also share yours.
Ask them something like, “Hey, I have noticed you talking a lot about Discord, I love Discord myself, and I would love to connect with you over there.”
Once they are your friends on Discord, you can share your game or hum to your favorite tunes on your server with them.
You can even custom-create your Discord tag with a Nitro subscription.
How To Find Discord Tag
- Open your Discord app on desktop or mobile.
- Open “User Settings.”
- The “My Account” tab should open; if not, open it.
- You will see your Discord tag something like “username #1234.”
Now, once you have someone’s Discord user’s tag, you can add them.
How To Add Someone Using Their User Tag on Discord
Follow these steps to add someone using their user tag on Discord.
On Discord Desktop
- Launch the Discord desktop app.
- On the “Direct Messages” tab, open the “Friends” section, and locate the green “Add Friend” button on the top right.
- Enter the user tag in the space provided correctly.
- Tap on the “Send Friend Request” button to send the request.
You will get an intimation that your friend request has been sent. The other user can become your friend after accepting your request.
You can see the status of your request under the “Pending” tab. You can cancel the request by clicking on the cross sign next to it.
On Discord Mobile
- Launch the Discord iOS or Android app.
- Tap the “Add Friends” (a white silhouette raising a hand icon) button at the bottom.
- Now tap on the “Add friend” icon on the top right.
- Insert the Discord tag of the user to search for them and send them a request.
Sum Up
Make extra efforts to find more and more people to enjoy your Discord experience with them. It is imperative to find people who think like you or enjoy your interests to have extra fun.
So, get people’s Discord tags, and do not shy away from making new friends to grow your community on Discord.