function is used in Microsoft SQL Server to return the time between two dates/date columns.
Employees Table
employeeID | employeeName | hireDate |
1000 | John Smith | 1995-12-03 |
1001 | Fred White | 2001-10-12 |
1002 | Jane Scott | 1998-05-01 |
1003 | Samuel Williams | 1991-01-03 |
In this example, we want to find out how many days an employee has been working for the organization since their hire date.
DATEDIFF(datepart, startDate, endDate)
DATEPART Reference Table
datepart | abbreviation |
year | yy , yyyy |
quarter | qq , q |
month | mm , m |
dayofyear | dy , y |
day | d |
week | wk , ww |
weekday | dw , w |
hour | hh |
minute | mi , n |
second | ss , s |
millisecond | ms |
microsecond | mcs |
nanosecond | ns |
TZoffset | tz |
ISO_WEEK | isowk , isoww |
SELECT employeeName as [Employee Name],
DATEDIFF(day,hiredate,GETDATE()) as [Total Days Since Hire]
FROM employees
Results (Query ran on 12/13/2011)
Employee Name | Total Days Since Hire |
John Smith | 5854 |
Fred White | 3714 |
Jane Scott | 4974 |
Samuel Williams | 7649 |
function can be very useful when you are interested in finding out how much time there is between two dates, a date, and a date field, or two date fields.