Using Server-Side Comments In

Using Server-side Comments in ASP.NET

We all know that it is a common and good practice to add comments to your code. This helps you document the various components in your application so that you …

Creating A Basic Page

Creating a Basic ASP.NET Page

Creating ASP.NET web pages is very similar to creating basic HTML pages. There are some slight differences. First, ASP.NET web pages are text-based files saved with the file extension of …

What Is

What is is a file included with IIS that has all of the ADO constants defined. VBScript does not understand ADO constants, such as AdLockReadOnly, the way VB does. The … Web Forms

ASP.NET Web Forms

ASP.NET Web Forms is a part of the ASP.NET web application framework and is one of the three different programming models you can use to create ASP.NET web applications, the …

Sql Create Table Statement


The SQL CREATE TABLE statement can be used to create a table within a SQL database. Syntax Example Results employeeID employeeName hireDate       The CREATE TABLE statement used …

Leveraging Temporary And Variable Tables In Sql

Leveraging Temporary and Variable Tables in SQL

When manipulating data especially from SQL views that require several minutes to produce results that are executed several times while running jobs, you may find the use of temporary or …

Sql Datediff Function


The DATEDIFF function is used in Microsoft SQL Server to return the time between two dates/date columns. Employees Table employeeID employeeName hireDate 1000 John Smith 1995-12-03 1001 Fred White 2001-10-12 …

Mysql Curdate Function


The MySQL CURDATE function is used to display the current date. The equivalent function in Microsoft SQL Server is GETDATE, but would require formatting with the CONVERT function. Syntax Example …

Sql Order By Keyword

SQL Order By Keyword

The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set by one or more specified fields (columns). The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. If …

Stored Procedure Parameters

Stored Procedure Parameters

One or more parameters can be declared in a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The value of each declared parameter must be supplied by the user when the procedure is executed unless …

Sql Inner Join


The SQL INNER JOIN keyword returns rows when there is at least one match in both tables. Relational databases are often normalized to eliminate duplication of information when objects may …

Creating A Sitemap Xml File For Your Website

Creating a Sitemap XML File for your Website

Sitemaps allow a webmaster to inform search engines about URLs on a website that are available for crawling. A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a …

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